Northland Region Corrections Facility inspection report 2019
This report follows an unannounced follow-up inspection at Northland Region Corrections Facility (NRCF). It was the Inspectorate’s fourth unannounced inspection, after a programme of scheduled inspections of all 18 New Zealand prisons that began in March 2017. The inspection reports contain findings rather than recommendations. This means that concerns are identified, and the onus is on the Department and the prison to come up with solutions.
Our unannounced inspection took place in November 2019 and focused on areas identified in the initial inspection that required improvement, as well as considering areas covered by new Inspection Standards.
An unannounced inspection provides the inspection team with a clear picture of what happens routinely in the prison. It gives assurance that the findings of the previous inspection are being addressed by the site and standards are being maintained constantly.
The follow-up inspection found that the prison had made good progress overall in its response to the 2018 observations. It identified ongoing issues with facility maintenance, provision of health services and prisoner clothing. However, it noted positive staff engagement with prisoners incorporating the Department of Corrections’ values and the six strategic areas for change in the Hōkai Rangi strategy to inform day to day interactions with prisoners.